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New Emo Alt-Pop duo Misery Kids are a band on the rise, taking key elements from synth-pop, arena rock, and alternative bands from the mid-2000s. As they prepare for an opening tour slot in 2022 with Paradise Now, I chat with Misery Kids about that tour, their new single "Turn Of The Lights", its music video, and more below.

THE RECLUSIVE BLOGGER: So, Hi guys! How did you each get your start in music? How did Misery Kids come to fruition? 

MISERY KIDS: Hi! We both started getting heavily into music in our early teens. The alternative lifestyle and community was really taking off then and it’s where we found our sense of belonging. We went on to form local bands and play at nearby function rooms, pubs, house shows and anywhere that would have us. After years cutting our teeth in the local scene, we both took a step forward in touring bands, Alex with ‘Rumours’ / ‘Show It Off’ and I played in ‘The Afterparty’.

We met back in 2011 when our previous bands were booked to play the same stage at Hevy Festival. Since then, we crossed paths a bunch of times on the road and at parties. We would talk about our influences, writing styles and bonded over the bands Artist Vs Poet and Marianas Trench. Inevitably we would make music together one day and in the year 2017 MK was born.

THE RECLUSIVE BLOGGER: Talk us through a typical songwriting process? Was writing for ‘Turn Off The Lights’ any different? I that the track has a fresh summery sound.

MISERY KIDS: We tend to approach songwriting with a stripped back mentality. We believe that if you have an idea that sounds like a hit in acoustic form, the chances are you’re on to a winner - especially when you start adding the supporting layers. TOTL was slightly different, we had the verse ideas for a while but the chorus didn’t 100% click until we took it into the practice room and started experimenting. I remember the feeling when we finally cracked it, it was definitely one of those eureka moments!

THE RECLUSIVE BLOGGER: Let’s talk about “Turn Off The Lights” music video, the inspiration behind it, and it came together?

MISERY KIDS: Our friend in Italy created the video for us. The brief was to capture mixed emotions of an unstable relationship in order to tell the story of TOTL. The video incorporates some of the good memories interspersed with the cracks that ultimately appear. The signs are there, the couple are in love turmoil, the balance tips as they reach breaking point.

THE RECLUSIVE BLOGGER: In 2022 you will share the stage with Paradise Now. What are most looking forward to? What are top three tour must-haves?

MISERY KIDS: We’re really looking forward to the Paradise Now dates in February! We are playing Norwich on the 4th and Cardiff on the 5th. Last time we played Cardiff was in 2019 and it’s still one of our favourite shows to date. The crowd really brought the energy that night, so hopefully it’ll go off again! This will be our first time performing in Norwich, I heard it was the home mustard… I don’t really like mustard though. But seriously, we’re always excited to visit new places and meet new people.

Touring is easily our favourite part of being in a band. For us, nothing beats the adrenaline of playing live.

Our top three tour must haves:-

1. The ultimate playlist. This is a necessity for us to get ourselves pumped for the shows when warming up backstage. We also like to give the front of house a specific playlist just before we go on - this is usually filled with 80’s bangers. It always gets the crowd going.

2. A good sound engineer is an absolute must. They can make or break a show so it’s worth having them on your side (if they’ll let you).

3. A bed for after the show. Sounds obvious, right? In reality, a lot of upcoming bands are crashing on friends' floors, in their vans or wherever it is free or cheap, because there’s often a limited budget. We’ve slept on plenty of floors over the years but in truth it really takes its toll and it becomes harder to keep up performance levels. Sometimes you have to roll with it but these days we try to get our beauty sleep.

THE RECLUSIVE BLOGGER: What does music and the craft of songwriting mean to you?  

MISERY KIDS: Everything. It’s our passion and we would be completely lost without it.

THE RECLUSIVE BLOGGER: What is your earliest music-related memory?    

MISERY KIDS: Music for me started at playgroup. I can still remember there was a box of instruments and I think I might have been the annoying kit that always wanted to bang the drum.

THE RECLUSIVE BLOGGER: Recommend a playlist or a podcast that you can’t get enough of lately?  

MISERY KIDS: We love the Sappenin’ Podcast with Sean Smith. Honestly, it’s really entertaining and there’s no holds barred. Always great guests too.

THE RECLUSIVE BLOGGER: What was the last text that made you laugh?

MISERY KIDS: My Dad text me this on the weekend which cracked me up. Knowing him, I can fully picture this:-

“Hi Nic, just had a senior moment at the footie. Went to get a pasty but the queue way too long. Had to rush back for second half but went up the wrong set of steps and couldn’t find my seat. Then heard my name being chanted by a few of the lads but still couldn’t work out where they were. Then the whole bloody row joined in waving their arms about calling out Gary, Gary lol. Quite embarrassing. Especially when I got an extra big cheer when I sat down.”

THE RECLUSIVE BLOGGER: What is your pick for album of the year for 2021? 

MISERY KIDS: The Band Camino (Self Titled)

THE RECLUSIVE BLOGGER: To end, what is next on the horizon for Misery Kids?

MISERY KIDS: We plan to release some more music next year. We are currently in the studio mixing our next single. We are planning to pick up more live dates throughout the year, culminating in our headline tour towards the end of 2022.

You can stream the new Misery Kids single "Turn Off The Lights" here.